Hormonal Imbalance
Often I see women who are struggling getting their periods regular, and as a result all sorts of other problems emerge. Linda was one such case that I saw recently. Her GP wanted to put her on the pill as her periods had become erratic and she was bleeding every 16-20 days, her periods where also heavy. This made her feel tired and irritable. She was a busy mum with a job and teenage children, so not much time in the day for herself. In addition to this she found it difficult to get a good nights' sleep, so as you can imagine, all of this compounds to make a very unhappy situation causing Linda to have to drag herself through each day when really all she wanted to do was rest.
She said that she had no worries with regard to her husband, children or money worries, so it was really a matter of getting her life and hormones back on track so she could enjoy her busy life again.
It had all started two years earlier. As is often the case, it was probably triggered by a period of stress when she had to sell her mothers' house, there was a lot of paperwork to do and Linda felt panicky about it all. There was a lot of money involved and some big debts which made Linda feel anxious.
There was a history of early menopause in the family and Linda also suffered from hayfever and had some food sensitivities. Her mother had gone in to the menopause at 38 and she felt this may be what was happening with her now at the age of 42. Linda also had pain in her hip which meant that she took Ibuprofen most days.
Not as Teary
The first remedy I gave to Linda was Carcinosin. I've often found this remedy good for regulating periods and as it is a nosode it can act deeply and have long lasting effects. At her next appointment, Linda said she had been not as tearful and her next period was 20 days apart rather than the usual 16 days, it was also a less painful period. As an additional bonus her hayfever allergy had been better. A good result all round, improving conditions for her not just in terms of her periods but also improved mood and a reduction in allergic reactions.
However, when she did get period pain in came down the front of her thighs. This is a keynote for Cimicifuga a plant remedy which acts well on the nerves and muscles. Its a great remedy to keep handy if you suffer from severe period pains of this nature. In Linda's case she was given Cimic in a low potency, 30th, to take when she experienced pain. She found after taking the pills three times a day she was soon free of pain and did not need to take anymore. I later gave her more of the Cimic to take when she had her next period so that if there was any further pain she could deal with it quickly.
At this time Linda was also given Lachesis a great remedy for women going through the menopause, particularly if they are generally hot and also if they experience hot sweats with a lot of perspiration.
The Third Visit
Linda was now experiencing periods 25 days apart, a good result. She said she was much less stressed and although she had had some difficult family issues to deal with she was coping well. Her periods where still heavy but she did not feel the need to take the Tranexamic Acid prescribed by her doctor. This drug, whilst helping with reducing period flow, can have some severe side effects, particularly if you have every had blood clots as the drug an exacerbate blood clots with serious implications. Other side effects can be headaches, belly pain, back pain, muscle and joint pain, tiredness and muscle cramps.
This case shows how homeopathy often comes with additional benefits. Linda wanted help with her periods which were heavy and painful and she also got a reduction of symptoms of hayfever, improved mood and increased energy as she is now sleeping better. She also noticed an improvement in her IBS symptoms which had been a problem from time to time.