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Post Natal Illness - Homeopathy can Help

Writer's picture: Ann Bath RSHomAnn Bath RSHom

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

When I had my first baby I expected to have an element of hormonal upset after the birth, and certainly this is a very emotional time. I experienced great joy and even euphoria, immediately after the birth of my first baby, also it was a very exciting time, welcoming this new person into the world with all the promise, expectation and happiness that he would bring to me and my family.

But yes, there was also a period of down time as the reality of caring for such a demanding person began to hit, I felt that my own needs were secondary and my whole world began to revolve around the needs of this small new person. There were tears, and there was certainly exhaustion. However, I was lucky, my first baby was for the most part calm, slept well and seemed to be a happy little fellow who enjoyed life. When my second baby arrived it was entirely another story, he suffered from colic, cried endlessly and for long periods of time and had a real temper if he didn't get what he wanted.

So its not surprising that as many as I in 10 women have the additional struggle of Post Natal Depression or Post Natal Illness to contend with at this demanding time. Symptoms can rang from crying a lot, headaches, foggy brain or thick head and even blurred vision. Restlessness, anxiety and poor sleep can all contribute to quickly becoming overwhelmed in those early weeks after childbirth.

Natalie sought me out for help with post natal depression three years ago. She had had a normal birth, no complications, and she had bonded well with her baby to begin with. She said she was normally quite outgoing but had recently become withdrawn and felt detached from her feelings. She would cry often, especially when telling others about her struggle. She felt flat and tired all the time and also felt detached from her partner.

I gave her Sepia and on her follow up visit one month later she was considerably brighter looking although she was still struggling with getting a good nights sleep. Her energy levels had improved and she was generally more positive and upbeat. Another higher dose of Sepia finished the cure and she reported that her sleep was now good and energy levels back to normal.

Annie had a more traumatic experience as after the birth, her baby was rushed away by the nurses who said that she was possibly oxygen starved. The baby was on oxygen, in an incubator with all sorts of tubes etc. Both Annie and her partner found the experience of seeing the baby like that very shocking, Annie said her partner looked like he had seen a ghost. Fortunately, the prompt care of the nurses meant that the baby was now doing well. However, 5 weeks after the birth and Annie had gone into a state of fear and shock. She did not want to be left alone and was frightened to go out of the house. She had moved back in with her mother because she also felt overwhelmed and was frightened she would not be able to care for the baby properly.

After a combination prescription of Opium (remedy for shock and PTS) and Phosphorus Annie very quickly returned to her old self and was able to move back into her own home with her partner. I did not see her again as she cancelled her next appointment. However, her mother, who is a long standing client, reported that her daughter had recovered very quickly, it was like a miracle. The depression went first, then the fear and trauma, and within a week she was back to her old self.



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