There are two main reasons why people seek out Homeopathy. One is because conventional medicine has failed them and the other is because they prefer to manage their health in a more holistic, natural way. If you are reading this, you could be one of those people and you're looking for a sensible alternative which hopefully can restore your health. Let me explain as clearly as I can how homeopathy works and allow you to judge for yourself.
A bit of history can be helpful in explaining the concept of homeopathy. It was developed by a German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). He disliked the methods of medicine such as blood letting, that were being used at the time. Noting that often patients were made worse by these so called treatments. This caused him to leave the medical profession and work as a translator of medical and scientific books as he was proficient in several languages. Whilst doing this work he became aware that Peruvian Bark (Cinchona) was effective in treating Malaria and in addition to this it produced symptoms of Malaria in healthy individuals. This discovery has formed the basis of homeopathic theory and the understanding that "like cures like". Hahnemann went on to dilute and succuss his remedies in order to mitigate their toxic effects. Finding that the greater the dilution the deeper they would act. Provided that they were succussed (shaken vigorously) between each dilution.
So that's how homeopathy works. Its the job of a professional homeopath such as myself, to find the remedy that most closely matches your symptoms. It is very gentle and works in harmony with your body's own vital force, allowing your body and mind, to heal itself. Effectively what homeopathic remedies do, is nudge your system to start to heal itself. It acts as a kind of reminder of what good health feels like and then, in time, your mind and body are able to do it for themselves again. You won't need to continue using homeopathy for the rest of your life. Once you are well again your own healing system takes over and keeps you in balance and healthy for years to come. Recently I had a young women return to me for treatment for something that had last occurred 10 years ago, when she was a child. A few treatments and she was restored to her former good health. She joked that she would perhaps see me again in another 10 years!
So I need hardly point out to you that most conventional (allopathic) medicine relies on continued use. E.g. antidepressants, beta blockers, antacids. Its a long list. One of the few exceptions being antibiotics which do in fact cure by destroying bacteria. Unfortunately, they destroy the good bacteria as well as the bacteria that is causing infection, so there can be unpleasant side effects to the continued use of antibiotics such as vaginal thrush and a depleted immune system. People are often surprised to learn that homeopathic remedies can be very effective in the treatment of infections as well as long term disease, thus avoiding the need for antibiotics. This can be very useful as doctors are now avoiding prescribing antibiotics too frequently due to issues of a developing population with antibiotic resistance.... and that's another story!
So if you would like to learn more about what homeopathy could do for you send me an email or text. I'm happy to have a free 10 minute chat with you too at a pre-arranged time to suit us both.